Friday, September 14, 2007

When Are Visiting Hours?

CAPTION HERE: "What the F- are you doing to my computer???"
Sigh . . . Each day as I have gotten up for work (2 to 4 in the afternoon), I have looked at my answering machine to see the friendly little blinking red light to tell me someone left me a messege . . . only to turn away sadly, no message from the computer repair people . . . .
Don't they know I am anxiously waiting for news? "Is it okay?" "Does it miss me?" "Is it warm enough at night?" "Did you remember to leave a light on so that it doesn't get scared?"
Sigh . . . "So, when are your visiting hours?" "What do you mean I have to leave now?" "I wasn't glaring at you . . ." "Are you reallllly grounded?" "Don't you take that tone with my computer!!!"

Hmmmm, work has been busy this week, maybe I haven't had enough sleep, naw!

I miss my PC laptop . . . MAC misses him too . . . .


mielikki said...

that's just wierd.
MAC's and PC's shouldn't be allowed to have feelings for each other.
Their offspring would be the computer representation of that movie
I hear the cyber banjo's playing right now...

Celtic Rose said...


Bubblewench said...

cyber banjo's.. how can I comment after that?

sybil law said...

You should talk to Cami, who's gone through that whole wait thing...
I think their offspring would be awesome! I mean, there is no squealing like a pig scene, afterall...