Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ferret Cuteness

No time to really write/blog . . .
Starting tomorrow, the next two or so weeks are going to be crazy.
Hope everyone is well . . .

Got my PC Laptop back :0) whoo-hoo!!!
The drive functions beautifully but I still have a minor
communication problem.
Chances are, in the next month or so I will have to save all my
personal files and reformat the hard-drive, sigh, what fun. The boys
at the shop thought they had cleared it up with scanning for spywear and
viruses, nothing shows up, but the problem still exists, so . . .

I refuse to be out maneuvered by a computer. Yes, I know, sounds like a personal issue, and your point would be??


mielikki said...

No time to blog my arse. You've been off work the last few days. I know, because I've been here!
Not fair unloading the cute ferret on us.
sorry your machine still isn't right

sybil law said...

Ferrets give me the willies!
I can't type anymore. My fingers are typing different words than my mind wants them to say.
Blog more! Mielikki ratted you out! Or is it, ferreted you out?!

mielikki said...

Okay well I called Syb out and got instant gratification over on her blog.
Your turn