Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Rambling

Okay, I still haven't found the stupid camera cord. I give up for now . . .
I go back to work tomorrow night and won't resurface from Podunk Memorial until Friday afternoon, soooooo I thought I would touch base. I don't want to be accused of being deglectful.
The problem is that I don't really have anything to say.

I am looking forward to Fall and leaving Summer behind.I love the Fall. (Okay, that came out of nowhere)

I took the next step and took my PC Laptop into the shop to get the DVD/CD drive replaced. I also asked that they try see if there is a virus on it affecting my e-mail/messenger and on-line functions. Hopefully it won't take too long (yea sure). It was funny, I dropped off my darling computer and told the young man that the drive was broken. I told him that I worked nights and would not hear the phone, so order the new drive, replace it, and call me. If there is anything additional, call me too. He looked worried, "but, but, we always call before we order a part . . ." Again I explain what I want . . . . "Well, how much is too much . . .?"
I told him to call me for anything from $300.00 and up. Boy did his eyes get big, "Oh it won't be that much . . . . "
Cool, maybe, maybe, they will have it all done in 2 weeks. Here's hoping.

Hope everyone has a good week!!


mielikki said...

its their hostage now, and they are laughing at you.
They know you have a MAC and that you are not a good Mommy to the other laptop. You have computer Munchausen by Proxy. They are going to send it to foster care.

Sigh. Yes, I am bored.

Bubblewench said...

I hope they take good care of it. Good luck this week, I know it's almost over, but hey, you've been working your butt off and I hope you get some rest in between.

CamiKaos said...

I hope it goes well... poor little puter.... all cold and lonely, away from home


sybil law said...

It's Friday now!
I will be waiting for your newest blog post.

Celtic Rose said...

Mielikki: you're just mean, foster care!? Never!

Bubblewench: Thanks, at least someone cares!! (raises an eyebrow at M;)

CamiKaos: Ahhhhhhh, alone, cold, and lonely, sniff, I hope they leave a night light on . . .

Sybil: No pressure! No pressure at all, lol! Yes it is Friday, hope you weren't expecting anything fancy, I haven't had enough sleep for that.