Tuesday, July 24, 2007


S-h-h-h-h, I am at work and it is (don't worry, I won't use the "Q" word) nice enough for me to post a wee little note from here. All is well at Podunk Memorial on the West Coast, so far anyway. Mielikki is at home on-call and I assume/hope sound asleep. The painters will be back tomorrow (Acually today!) to continue their torturous harassment of her apartment building by scrapping and painting. She needs to sleep while she can.
I am about 300 pages or so into the 7 th H. Potter book but I left it at home since it is such a big tomb to carry around to work. Instead when my patient doesn't need me I have been writing, the old fashioned way no less with pen and paper. Oh how I miss my word processor.
Oh Bubble Wench! Mielikki and I have been discussing sending you part of the 1st book. I will need your e-mail address and will send some your way once she and I have figured out which part. Maybe something original, like the beginning! LOL! It would be good to get a fresh perspective on it.
Well I should go do something nurse-like . . . .

Til later!


Bubblewench said...

oh do i love you. bubblewench at yahoo dot com.

Hope you had a nice peaceful evening.

mielikki said...

LOL we have a fan. Yes I was indeed asleep, and grateful for it as the silly paining people were at the scraping again bright and early. Asshats.

CamiKaos said...

did you finish reading HP while I was away?