Monday, July 16, 2007

Bird Brained

Okay . . . I haven't posted in nearly a week, I start back to work (Podunk Memorial) tomorrow, and I am feeling extra L-A-Z-Y. Sigh, I hate to feel this way, it is the waste of a good day. So!
I am forcing myself to blog and then I am going to go write on the novel. Even if is is only correcting grammer and spelling, etc. At least I will have accomplished something.

Okay, now for the story behind the picture . . .
My handsome husband and I had been married for about, oh, 3 yrs or so when he asked me to go purchase 12 laying hens. We had a chicken coop, why not fresh eggs?
I don't remember how or were I got the information, but I went with friends to a farm where they were selling all their animals, chickens included. The price was right and I told the farmer that I wanted 12 laying hens. The farmer must have seen "gulible" written on my forehead, (should have washed my face better!) and told me that the birds that weren't taken/sold were going to the butcher. No guilt here?!
I took them all, yeah, that's right, all the birds. It equaled out to 77 chickens,3 of which were Japanese Silkies, 5 ducks, two geese, and a white turkey named Mabel.
The farmer even made his truck and cages available to me!
As some of you will know, my husband and I recently celebrated 26 years of marriage, so you will know that he didn't divorce me . . . I kinda worried about it for awhile when I first saw his face . . .
Nope, he kept me. Me and all the birds. Silly man :)


mielikki said...

birds of a feather do 'flock' together, lol
(but, what does that say about me, and, handsome husband, for that matter?)

CamiKaos said...

well he was the one that sent you off to get them. :)

Bubblewench said...

Great story

sybil law said...

I love that story. And picture!!!