Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Deepest Apologies!

Okay, okay, I am truly sorry!I won't bore you with excuses . . . I have some really good ones, but I won't bore you . . . .
Okay, Mielikki told me to tell you about my "Rat Story" in honor of her wordless wednesday pic, here goes . . .
About twelve years ago or so I took my mother to a city nearby to go shopping. We spent the day going into 2nd hand shops and antique shops that were in the old part of town. (It should be noted that parts of this city were under alot of construction to revitalize the older sections.)
Anyway, after stoping for gasoline and ice cream (of course!) we started back up the road, (a 25 mile drive back up a two lane highway into the foothills). My mom asked for a napkin since her ice cream was melting and as she opened up the glove box of the car, there among the extra napkins from various resturants was a (gulp), rat!
My mother screamed,and ice cream went EVERY where. I screamed and tried to avoid swerving into uncoming traffic. Then I just started laughing . . . my mother was not pleased. Nervous reaction??? yea, that's it . . .
"Pull over, pull over," she screamed as she jabbed it with one of my daughter's toys from the back seat. I couldn't pull over, there wasn't a safe place to do so! So there we went, 40 miles an hour down the road . . . . I am still not sure who was more frightened, my mother or the rat. Finally I was able to pull over, our doors flew open and out flew the rat running for the nearest corn field,(farm country). I could see people pointing and laughing as they drove by . . . my poor mom.
Needless to say, she hates rats and is shy of glove boxes :)


CamiKaos said...

hmmm. I was lead to believe there would be new content here.....

mielikki said...

WTF? where'd the rat story go?

mielikki said...

see, its there now, and funny! I can just imagine CR's mom poking at this rat, and screaming! I'd have been screaming with her the whole time, though! Gah, I don't like rats

CamiKaos said...

oh eeew. Great story!

Bubblewench said...

how freskin hysterical

sybil law said...

That is flipping hilarious!
And utterly, completely gross.
One of the worst nightmares I ever had (I was 10) involved many, many rats.
Welcome back!