Sunday, April 22, 2007

You Think I Should Do What?

By way of following the advice of a trusted friend I am venturing out into the land of the "B-L-O-G." I have been encouraged to start a blog because it is, "a good way to write everyday," and the ever popular, "self-expression," especially with the trials and tribulations at work. (Yes I too am one of those crazy people, a nurse.)So, following the advice of my close friend and stalwart companion, (and co-worker, Mielikki) I write as the Mischief to her Mayhem . . . . (story for another time).So this is my first foray . . . here goes nothing . . . .


mielikki said...

ok so now I have to re-comment since your first attempt went over. I still think its a good idea, and I still think we can take over the blog world. It might take us longer than I anticipated, but we can.

Celtic Rose said...

LOL, Pooka's and Fairies Permitting

Bubblewench said...

I think you should keep doing it too. Welcome to blog land... It really does get easier and more personally interesting as it gets rolling...

Celtic Rose said...

Thank-you, you are very kind . . .