Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Blog Formerly Known As "Around the Bend"

Okay . . . Welcome to Blog-land where you too can be driven daft. Sigh . . . I created this blog at the kind suggestion of a dear (misguided?) friend. All the ususal reasons were listed, some logical, creative, and others practical. Well, that is all well and good but I spent a bloody stinkin day trying to re-access the blog after I created it.
In this world where everything requires a "password" and "username" I have reached my limit (at least for this weekend). I must have forgotten my password from the seemingly thousands that I must remember. My work alone requires 4 while my on-line banking requires 2. Then there are the myriad of websites, e-mail addresses, and software that all require some means of "password" for access. Like a chatelaine with too many keys I wander about weighted down with all the passwords until my memory is found wanting.
Anyhow . . . . I now have a 2 blog-sites. One I can not access, and this one, which I hope to be able to access tomorrow and the next day as well.
Sorry for all the blathering . . . I will try and quit my complaining, really I will!

1 comment:

mielikki said...

Misguided? Who's misguided! Not me, surely. Thats what you get for pissing off the pooka's!