Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If Old Habits Die Hard, Are New Ones Difficult to Start?

I am desperately trying to start a new habit . . . walking. I walked one mile yesterday in 15-20 minutes. Surprisingly I was more sore yesterday afternoon than I am today. Today my biggest concern is getting myself in gear to walk again. Sigh . . . . there are soooo many things I wish to accomplish today and they are all vying for my time. I did start dinner though (I love my crock-pot)
I know . . . I need to walk.
See, if I share this with all of you then I will be held accountable, right?
This afternoon (early part) though I want to write, perhaps a nice brisk walk a little later . . . .


mielikki said...

we walk! We walk at work! Yes, sigh, we should both be walking. Crock pot,. Mmmmm

sybil law said...

Crock pots are the greatest, aren't they? The trick might be for you to bake some bread (just the premade, refrigerated kind) so while it bakes - you walk!
I personally should be walking, too. Or something.
But you deserve some kudos for even starting a walk routine!

Bubblewench said...

Oh god. good luck with the walking. I'm supposed to be walking at least 4x a week and if I do it once its a miracle. I just have a hard time after 10 or 12 hour days... it's hard to do. I try to walk at lunch now instead.

And find the book 5 ingrediants or less. It's a crockpot cookbook that I am addicted to. They also have one for diabetic meals and one for low fat.