Saturday, December 15, 2007


Well okay, not really, I am Irish after all.
But you have to admit, this can leave you a little breathless.
Dazed in wonderment.
In awe.

As it sits on my desktop it has a three dimensional quality,

I hope to one day be able to see this wonder in real life
not just in video and photographs.

Hope everyone is doing well and nearly finished with
Christmas shopping, etc. (I have 2 left to get)

I will be helping Mielikki do some holiday wrapping this next week
since she has a bum wing.

Work is a zoo, 'tis that time of year!

Ten days til Christmas . . . .
Almost time for a drumroll (the little drummer boy, of course . . . :)

Heard a Christmas song about an Italian donkey, it was a sing a-long.
And, yes, I sang along. It was after I had worked three 12-hour night shifts, what do want!

Am still working diligently on the novel(s). (not really work, more like fun . . .)

Survived yet again, another company dinner at my husband's work.

Boy, am I rambling . . .
Well, just goes to prove, I am not often truly speechless.


mielikki said...

pretty picture, I am glad you survived the dinner, look forward to seeing you tomorrow :)

Bubblewench said...

Nice pic. I'm Irish too. YEAH!